CPaaS WhatsApp


Engage your Customers with CPaaS WhatsApp Platform

Chat and messaging services like WhatsApp have been popular in recent years as a powerful tool for attracting customers and creating a market for a product among prospective clients. Despite having a variety of features, like quick and simple photo, file, and video sharing, secure yet seamless communication, and modern privacy, etc. WhatsApp private accounts are not recommended for use by businesses instead, use WhatsApp corporate verified accounts.

Easy Integration

Scale your communications with adjustable message templates for bulk messaging, 2-way decision-tree tools, and simple maintenance of lists and consent using our REST-based Template API to integrate your IT systems.

Boost Engagement

Share, receive, and personalise text messages as well as web links. See exact delivery, reading, and behaviour data for your messages

Real-Time Monitoring

You may check the status of your WhatsApp campaigns and make any necessary adjustments to stop, pause, or resume them.

SMS Backup

In the event that your destinations are unable to receive WhatsApp messages, you can designate an SMS message as a fallback.

Message Templates

In order to utilise them as much as necessary, you can build and store message templates.

Send Important Notifications

Deliver precise information to the appropriate person, like order or purchase confirmations, One-time passwords (OTP), reminders for shopping carts that have been abandoned, reminders for appointments, emergency alerts, and more.

Have Relevant Bidirectional Interactions

You may conduct customer feedback surveys, enquire about the status of service tickets or product deliveries, confirm, cancel, or reschedule appointments, and more with a WhatsApp business account.

WhatsApp Business Verified account

A quick and easy way to communicate, connect, and even sell is through WhatsApp. Businesses now use WhatsApp to sell, or they aim to do so in the future. A WhatsApp business verified account, however, is distinct and is created with the best business tools because private WhatsApp accounts do not provide "business" capabilities.
Your customers will be able to trust you because of your verified business profile. Our WhatsApp Business option allows you to use your own number, whether it be a mobile, landline, or toll-free one.

Why get the WhatsApp business verified account?

Having a WhatsApp business verified account has many advantages if you run a business. A few of them include:
  • Not all organisations can consider purchasing servers to be a sensible move given that the majority of firms are moving to internet platforms, revolutionising e-commerce operations.
  • When it comes to communicating all business-related information, broadcasts, services, and information to potential and existing clients, WhatsApp business verified accounts play a significant role.
  • Once a user has a WhatsApp business verified account, they have access to a number of features that are exclusively available to paying clients. These features include labelling contacts, delaying responses to any customer inquiries, etc.
  • It also aids in building a company's global reputation, which has a significant influence on potential clients. This improves the brand's standing in the marketplace. This might help a brand establish trust in the beginning.
  • Why Users tend to start trusting in the brand is because a lot of formalities and background checks must be completed before obtaining a verified business account on WhatsApp.
  • Access to WhatsApp API, which is mostly used for alerts, is also granted to businesses.
  • A few CRM-like capabilities also aid in providing consumers with first-rate service and assistance.
  • Allow for the uploading of product photos, brochures, and inventory features.

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